Add a node in Binary Tree and not a Binary Search Tree.

How to add a Node in Binary Tree and not a Binary Search Tree?

To add a Node in a Binary Tree, Let us first fix our protocol of how we are going a insert a node in Binary Tree.

Before going further, I would like to clear the difference between Binary Tree and Binary Search Tree, you are welcome to skip this part if you are already aware of,

Binary Tree: A tree is called Binary Tree if each node of tree has no more than 2 child node.
sample binary tree
Binary Tree Example
If you want to look at popular Binary tree traversals, 

Binary Search Tree: It is a special type of Binary Tree where it follow below rules,
  1. Nodes on left subtree must have value less than the parent node.
  2. Nodes on right subtree must have value greater than the parent node.
binary search tree example
Sample Binary Search Tree

How to add a Node in Binary Tree:

For adding a node in Binary tree we just need to make sure we are not breaking the rule of Binary tree that is, "each node of tree has no more than 2 child node".

So to add a node, we will start scanning a Binary Tree level by level and wherever we encounter a Node which has no child node or has only one child node, that would be our target node to insert a new Node

See below image to get better understanding of position of a new Node to insert. Given a binary tree, we need to add a Node with value 8 marked in dotted lines below in its correct position.
add a node in binary tree algorithm
Add a node in binary tree

Java Program to insert a Node in Binary Tree and not a Binary Search Tree?

package javabypatel;

import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Queue;

public class AddNodeInBinaryTree {
 private Node rootNode;

 public static void main(String[] args) {
  new AddNodeInBinaryTree();

 public AddNodeInBinaryTree(){

  addNodeInBinaryTree(rootNode, 1); 
  addNodeInBinaryTree(rootNode, 2); 
  addNodeInBinaryTree(rootNode, 3); 
  addNodeInBinaryTree(rootNode, 4); 
  addNodeInBinaryTree(rootNode, 5); 


 //Iterative way of adding new Node in Binary Tree.
 private void addNodeInBinaryTree(Node rootNode, int data){
   // No Nodes are Present, create one and assign it to rootNode
   this.rootNode = new Node(data);
   //Nodes present, So checking vacant position for adding new Node in sequential fashion 
   //Start scanning all Levels (level by level) of a tree one by one until we found a node whose either left or right node is null.
   //For each and every node, we need to check whether Left and Right Node exist? 
   //If exist, then that node is not useful for adding new node but we need to store left and right node of that node for later processing 
   //that is why it is stored in Queue for sequential placement.
   //If not exist, then we found a node, where new node will be placed but not sure on left or right, so check which side is null and place new node there.

   Queue<Node> q = new LinkedList<Node>();
    Node node = q.poll();

    if(node.getLeft()!=null && node.getRight()!=null){
      node.setLeft(new Node(data));
      node.setRight(new Node(data));

 private void printTreeLevelOrder(Node rootNode) {

  Queue<Node> q = new LinkedList<Node>();
   Node node = q.poll();
   System.out.print(node.getData() + " ");




Top Binary Tree Interview Questions.

Binary Tree Traversals - Inorder, Preorder, Postorder, Levelorder

Delete a node in Binary Search Tree.

Check a given two Binary Trees are Mirror Image of each other.

Construct a Binary Tree from In-order and Post-order traversals.

ZigZag Traversal of Binary Tree.

Types of Binary Tree

Enjoy !!!! 

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